I visited Israel some 25 years ago, just for a day trip by bus, I had to endure intense questioning by an Israeli lady. It was almost as bad as a judicial committee meeting.
There was high anxiety at times, in Bethlehem overlooking 'Gehenna,' at a distance, kids threw stones at the group, but the stones barely made it within 3 meters of us, on the way back a bomb had recently gone off at a intersection we travelled through.
Part of Jeff's substack: (his father is a holocaust survivor)
'Then we suddenly have this mess of a hot war breaking out in Israel. The 50th anniversary of the 73 Israeli war. Honestly, that wasn’t on my radar as I actually thought something like this could happen during the recent Mercury retrograde period. Something is not right with this picture. They say it was a surprise attack. You want to tell me the best intelligence agency in the world, the Mossad, was asleep at the wheel? You want to tell me the IDF were overrun by Hamas?
Are you kidding me? Israel has the most sophisticated weaponry in the world short of the star wars stuff. My first reaction upon hearing this news on Saturday morning was I sniffed a rat. It was said it took 9 hours for the military to respond to those small towns in Southern Israel. Allegedly, I heard there are actual military bases in that part of the country. What were they doing? The base in question was just reclaimed by the IDF on Sunday after it was overrun by Hamas ‘terrorists.’ How did they hang a whole section of the country out to dry like that? After all, its not like they attacked downtown Tel Aviv. It smells like other strange events of recent vintage.
So here’s the deal and do not be upset with me because I’m only reporting what a very highly reliable journalist with a great track record reported early Sunday. I don’t listen to mainstream news, they are all propaganda machines. You have to understand, I want to give the Israelis every benefit of the doubt. My father is the holocaust survivor who has lived there for 30 years. But Netanyahu bragged about how the Israeli government used the population as a test experiment of the mRNA vax. That’s right, he was proud of it. You can see how much he values human life.
I’m the guy that doesn’t like what the Israelis and the ADL have done in the name of the Jewish people. The globalists have hijacked Israel just like they have hijacked America. I can also tell you there is a growing chorus of Jewish people in Israel and around the world who do not approve of the character and behavior of the Israeli government since the lockdowns. They let that guy Harrari run wild, didn’t they?
Steven Ben-Nun of Israeli News Live.org reported from his intel connnections the IDF WAS ORDERED TO STAND DOWN in Southern Israel. You read that correctly. On top of that, I spoke to my father in Tel Aviv this morning and according to him, a great number of Israelis found it very curious Hamas would be able to penetrate into Israel the way they did. Not only that, Israeli intelligence has known there would be a ‘staged event’ that could possibly start WWIII MONTHS AGO. In fact, a couple of them told Ben-Nun they knew the attack was coming AND LEFT THE COUNTRY. Now that the attack is done, they are coming back to the country. I know this sounds crazy and hard to believe.
After letting the dust settle for 24 hours it is becoming obvious to me and others something much deeper is going on. They wanted this war and wasted no time declaring it. The geopolitical situation as it pertains to Israel is more complex and not to be unraveled in a day. What I believe is nothing good will come from this and quite possibly could be the start of WWIII for real. . For our work, seasonality plays into our overall strategy because the financial markets are tied to social mood. Consider this a black swan event for our ‘graveyard for stocks’ time of year. How this impacts the market? As I told you, even as the Dow chart looks interesting on that 64 vibration, literally anything this time of year is still possible. But if 20th century history has anything to do with it, stock markets do not like war, especially big wars.
The other part of this, Let’s talk about the ‘surprise’ nature of the attack. The surprise is the crowd has been waiting for the other shoe to drop for a long time. Now that it could be here, its a shock to the system. Folks are never ready for the day war actually comes. Then we had that emergency alarm go off on our phones this week. Dave Hodges has been warning on that for weeks. He felt it could be tied to an important event. Am I connecting those dots? I don’t know, anything is possible. But you can’t rule it out. Remember yesterday in the post on smart money concepts I told you about how they reacted to the Fitch downgrade. They knew about that. A major attack like this on the 50th anniversary of the last major war? If a nobody like me can sit in my underground bunker in Scottsdale armed with a bunch of anniversaries, you want to tell me everyone went to sleep on a high profile anniversary date like this? As it turned out, they didn’t go to sleep. I know that sounds terrible. It is terrible.
I wasn’t buying it Saturday morning and now I have the proof. Want to see this video for yourself? Go on You Tube to the Israelinewslive channel with the headline Hamas Attack Will Lead to WW3.'